
Blue Mountain, PA

Challenge Express Lift

It’s the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, and the USA is killing it. What has this got to do with a small ski resort in lower Pennsylvania? While I didn’t have a long weekend due to Presidents Day on the 19th, it seems many others did. Many others. A decent snow storm came through on the 17th, with 6 inches of fresh powder. These three factors combined into what amounted to be lift lines around one hour long. Lines so long that Blue Mountain stopped selling lift passes before lunch time. Traffic jams that blocked the access roads and the carparks, no one could get in or out.

Blue Mountain isn’t renowned for its snow, it’s known for being close to Philadelphia. I decided to visit here just to tick it off my list. Tick. Now that that is done will I be back? Unlikely, not because of the lines, which my lifty friends described as the worst (best?) Blue Mountain had seen. No, because I just didn’t really enjoy it as much as other mountains I’ve been to. In the five lift rides I had by 1pm when I decided to go home, I rode the Challenge Express and the runs underneath it. At the top of Lazy Mile there are some trees to the side which were fun and clean of logs. I believe this is the Blue Baumer Glade. 

Would my opinion be different had the lines taken 5 minutes instead, of course. But my opinion would be different on a lot of things had a completely different situation occurred.

February, 2018

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DOB: 2015 Origin: New York, USA Interests: Sleeping, Fashion, "Cawfee"

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