
Jackson Hole, WY

Rendezvous Bowl

Having heard so much about Jackson Hole I needed to make a special effort to travel to and ride this mountain. Winter 2018 had 1,275 cm(502 in) which was above the average snow fall of 1,166 cm (459 in) for this mountain. As a budget traveler and having booked for a late season trip in March, I didn’t have any expectations, I just wanted to ride a new location and tick another famous mountain off my list. There were a couple of late snowstorms that came through with 20 cm to 30 cm (8 to 12 in) during my stay. The lower-mid elevations were warm, with rain falling some days, with the lowersections of the hobacks with thin cover.

I rode the majority of the mountain, and the runs I kept coming back to were; Pepi’s run, Alta Chutes, Flip Point, Easy Does-it and, The Burton Campground terrain park. Like most resorts in the Mountain States, the runs are on the more advanced side. There are still beginner runs on the lower mountain, however with the warm temperatures these weren’t much fun except for the parks.

Some things I would do differently next time include keeping the rental car during my stay. The Teton Village is quite far from the town of Jackson, the airport is even further. Things I am glad I did was to do a large grocery shop before I arrived. This meant I didn’t need to go into the town to buy anything additional, I’ll definitely need to buy more beer and softdrink next time.

The Mangy Moose, Teton was a great place to stop in for Apres ski. Bar Enotica, Teton was a casual, more up market bar with tapas. At Lotus, Jackson I enjoyed the Elk Lasagne. Spur Resturant, Teton was the best restaurant I visited while I was there, would strongly recommend.

Video from my trip.

March 2018

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DOB: 2010 Origin: Nagano, Japan Interests: Sleeping, Onsen, Drinking Milk

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