• Electronics

    Lenovo Legion 5 (2020)

    Lenovo Legion 5 I was in need of an upgrade to my laptop to allow for better performance with video editing. As well as some gaming. My old Lenovo that was purchased for the purpose of light duty no longer cut the mustard. Through my research I had narrowed it down to a short list of laptops.  Short List Each laptop brought something to the table, but only one came with the ideal blend of all my requirements. Main Specifications Laptop Model No. CPU GPU RAM Price Lenovo Legion 5 ARH05H 82B1000AUS AMD Ryzen 7 4800H 8 Core NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660TI 6 Gb 2×8 Gb DDR4-3200 16 Gb $999.99…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

    Toys For 1-2 Years Old Toddler

    Small Home – Big Playground Our baby is now TWO!!! *Eeeek*   In this strange and isolating time of year 2020, we have had to acquire more “tools” to keep our daughter appropriately stimulated. We have long been a fan of create-more-buy-less philosophy, as well as having lived in small dwelling for much of our life, we have always try to be very conscious of our purchases. A great YouTube channel The Parenting Junkie has a very informative video on Minimalism and Toys which outlined ten categories of toys to inspire children of all ages. For us, we found that the list had helped us immensely on choosing the type of toys…