
  • Food & Drink,  Pregnancy & Parenting,  Travel

    Where to go with baby in Philly?

    Hanging out with the Fam is hard work Our baby daughter is one month old!  As new parents, trying to maintain some normalcy in social life has been hard. Even a causal outing or catching up with friends and family are always restricted by feeding and nap time. But the biggest challenge remains: WHERE CAN WE GO? Where are the change and feeding facilities? Is the place too loud for sleepy babies? Can my stroller fit through the aisles without upsetting other patrons? With restless child(ren), stroller and diaper bag full of gears in tow, some research before heading out is needed to avoid frustration and chaos.  While we often search on Google to…

  • Food & Drink,  Travel

    Ithaca, NY

    Taugannock Falls What better reason to visit the Ithaca region then a camping road trip with friends. Given it was a long weekend camp sites were hard to come across, but we managed to get a night at Newtown Battlefield State Park and the second night at Enfield Glen and Robert H Treman State Park. Day one we arrived at Ithaca and were hungry, so we soon found our way to Ithaca Saigon Kitchen. I guess, just because it’s a camping trip doesn’t mean we have to slum it. The food here was great, the pho, the vermicelli salad, everything was delicious. Full from lunch we headed out to Buttermilk…

  • Travel

    Vancouver, BC

    Devonian Harbour Park After the warm blue days on Vancouver Island, and at Sea-to-Sky, our lucky streak in the weather continued to our stay in Vancouver. For a change of scenery from the usual built up cities, we decided to stay in the suburbs, near Lougheed Town Centre. The Skytrain is convenient and provided access to a number of areas, such as Downtown, Airport, Richmond and, Port Moody. Plus accommodation is expensive downtown. Downtown Vancouver mostly follows a grid system, and I was surprised at just how temperate the climate was. I was expecting a colder appearance more reminiscent of snowy cities such as New York or Sapporo. Popular areas…

  • Automotive,  Travel

    Vancouver Island, BC

    Ucluetet Lighthouse Loop What do local Vancouvians do on the weekend? They go to Vancouver…Island. So I jumped in a car and headed to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, only 500 m (1500 ft) north of the border with the USA, and made my way to Swartz Bay. The ferry ride is rather scenic and you’ll see plenty of sea planes, and a view of Vancouver City with a backdrop of the North Shore Mountains. Once disembarking from Swartz Bay Temrinal it’s a quick and easy 30 minute drive along Route 17 into Victoria, the capitol of British Columbia. Victoria Victoria is a bustling town, larger than I had expected. I only…

  • Automotive,  Travel

    Sea To Sky, BC

    Howe Sound As an avid skier, the Sea to Sky Gondola seemed kinda corny and redundant. After all I’d been up many lifts and taken in many sights while skiing a mountain. But after visiting it turns out I was wrong. We got lucky with the blue bird day and warm weather, but have a jacket handy as 850m (2,800ft) it can get cooler. There was still snow in the shadows in May. If I had researched beforehand I would have found out that there are hiking trails at the top to explore. It’s even possible to hike up and skip the gondola fee if you are fit enough and…

  • Travel

    Boston, MA

    Paul Revere Statue, and Old North Church Boston, why not, I flew up here for a quick easy weekend trip away with the family. But what would I do while I’m here? I didn’t really research anything apart from doing the Sam Adam’s Brewery tour. Saturday mornings, yes mornings, There is a Morning Mash In tour, at 9:30 am and costs $15, for that fifteen dollars you get to try a beer to start off the tour, a guided tour with history of the brewery and why it’s called Sam Adam’s (I won’t ruin the story), and then you’ll be given a small 150 ml (5 oz) tasting glass and…

  • Travel

    Jackson Hole, WY

    Rendezvous Bowl Having heard so much about Jackson Hole I needed to make a special effort to travel to and ride this mountain. Winter 2018 had 1,275 cm(502 in) which was above the average snow fall of 1,166 cm (459 in) for this mountain. As a budget traveler and having booked for a late season trip in March, I didn’t have any expectations, I just wanted to ride a new location and tick another famous mountain off my list. There were a couple of late snowstorms that came through with 20 cm to 30 cm (8 to 12 in) during my stay. The lower-mid elevations were warm, with rain falling…

  • Travel

    Snowbasin, UT

    Strawberry Peak How did I come to be riding in Utah, at Snowbasin? My goal was to ride Jackson Hole, in Wyoming. Well it comes down to research, Jackson Hole airport isn’t exactly an American Airlines hub, however Salt Lake City is a more common flight route, and therefore cheaper to fly into. The savings from flying into Salt Lake  City I could put towards a three night stay in Ogden, UT, where I could then achieve my favourite thing, riding a new mountain. Ogden has plenty of history in the frontier days. Originally residing in Mexico, it became the first European settlement in Utah, and a rail hub in…