• Travel

    Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico is a beautiful island with something to offer everyone, including families with young children. The Caribe Hilton is a great place to stay with a toddler, as it offers a variety of amenities and activities that will keep everyone entertained. The hotel is located on a beautiful stretch of beach, so your toddler can enjoy swimming and building sandcastles. There is also a large pool area with a children’s pool, as well as a playground. The playground unfortunately is in full sun, so expect it to be hot. In addition to the outdoor activities, the Caribe Hilton also has a number of indoor amenities that will keep your…

  • Travel

    Yosemite in Winter

    Yosemite Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, and for good reason. The park is home to some of the most stunning scenery in the country, including towering granite cliffs, giant sequoia trees, and cascading waterfalls. But while Yosemite is a great place to visit any time of year, it’s especially beautiful in the winter. Winter in Yosemite is a time of peace and tranquility. The crowds have thinned out, and the park is blanketed in a fresh coat of snow. This makes it the perfect time to enjoy the park’s many outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing. If you’re…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting,  Travel

    Choosing Child Restraint – What’s after infant car seat?

    So many car seat products! What are they for and when do I need them? In North America, even with living in a very walkable city, occasional travel by car is still unavoidable. Children car seats are the most popular and effective safety gear used to protect our precious cargo in an event of a collision. Outside road transportation, air travel also benefit from the use of car seat for convenience and comfort. But for urbanites like us that relied mostly on public transport and ride-share services, constantly installing and hauling these very sizeable objects around is not an easy task. Our scenario Our daughter has been travelling with her…

  • Travel

    Paris, France

    Summer Trip 2019, what better time to go to Europe than in the Autumn. It might be grey and rainy, but at least it’s not super hot. Seems air conditioning hasn’t reached that part of the world yet. Paris was the chosen destination, mainly because it was a cheap airfare, and secondly because it’s Paris. This was a shorter than usual trip for us, at 8 days. That’s because we need to take things a little slower and be less ambitious with the baby. Without further-a-do, here is the list of major attractions we made it to, and our thoughts on them.  Eiffel Tower Musee D’Orsay Versailles Louvre Arc de…

  • Travel

    Latin Quarter, Arrondissement 5, Paris

    Eiffel Tower from The Pantheon The Latin Quarter We chose to stay in the Latin Quarter as it was central, while also being good value for money. Plus there was plenty of restaurants and bars in the area so we didn’t have to travel far for food. These venues probably weren’t the best choice to go with an infant, but in Paris I don’t there is anywhere that is baby friendly. The Latin Quarter got its name from the University that was founded here in the 12th century. In those times Latin was the language of the educated. Pantheon An impressive building. Originally constructed as a Church, it’s use has…

  • Travel

    Versailles, France

    Château de Versailles Versailles So off we went to the Chateau and Gardens of Versailles. An easy train ride on the RER C train from Paris which took approx. 40 minutes from Saint-Michel Notre-Dame Station to the terminus station at Gare de Versailles Chateau Rive Gauche. We had the unfortunate luck of catching the train in peak hour. Most of the passengers deboarded at Issy Val de Seine. No doubt you’ll be going there early in the morning to make a full day of it, so an easy way to spot your train during peak hour is it’ll most likely be stickered inside and out with Versailles imagery. This was…

  • Travel

    Historical Axis of Paris

    View from Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile Arc De Triomphe Turns out there are two Arc de Triomphes, the du Carrousel and the much more famous de I’Etoile. A brief history, both Arcs are to celebrate Napoleon’s victories in 1805. Carrousel was constructed between 1806 to 1808, while the much larger I’Etoile was constructed between 1806 to 1836. Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile I’Etoile stands 50 m (164 ft) tall and has a viewing deck at the top for those with tickets. Access to the inner area is via one of two underground passageways. To reach the viewing deck is via spiral staircases, consisting of, by my count, approx. 280…

  • Travel

    Palais-Bourbon, Arrondissement 7, Paris

    Eiffel Tower from Champ de Mars We headed off on this damp morning towards the Eiffel Tower. A straight forward enough walk, just need to watch the map for a few key intersections to turn at. Being Paris, there is no grid system, mayhem reins. Eiffel Tower Located in the Champ de Mars park, the Eiffel Tower stands out in the relatively low Paris skyline. I can just imagine in 1889 when it was built, it would have been an impressive sight. It still is. We approached from the south-east end of Champ de Mars, and got our photos from a distance, before moving progressively closer. Of course, taking more…